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3 Foods Making Your Arthritis Worse

Hi there,

I’m Dr. Greg Smith, I’m a Harvard trained doctor, and today I want to tell you about three foods that I bet you’re eating on a regular basis. 

Three foods that are making your arthritis worse, and could even leave you permanently crippled.

If you keep eating and drinking these foods, your pain will get to the point where your only option will be dangerous and addictive drugs like opiates or painful and expensive joint replacement surgeries. 

If you’ve got a ‘bone on bone’ situation in your joints, you need to see this!

The foods I’m talking about here are well known by the scientific community to inflame arthritis and make it much worse. 

The first food is coffee creamers. You’ve been led to believe that these are perfectly healthy but I assure you they are not!

The primary ingredient in most of these creamers has been shown to release cytokines. 

Cytokines produce inflammatory signals, which will inflame arthritic hands, knees, and hips causing you severe pain over time. 

Then you know what happens next?

You get to start taking more and more painkillers to deal with the pain.

This leads to stomach, kidney and even heart damage. 

But, you can’t tell that these pills are damaging your organs, can you?

What you can tell is that the painkillers stop working after a while. 
And so you take more. And more. 

Before you know it you’re taking 10-12 pills a day just to get by.

The nasty chemicals in those pills slowly eat away at your insides, destroying your body, piece by piece. 

And, eventually the damage becomes so severe you can have kidney failure or a stroke.  
You might never even know that these common painkillers were actually to blame for your death - but they were.

Well, today, I have some good news for you.  

You can stop arthritis in its tracks AND avoid an early grave from painkillers with the “Jesus Herb” that is producing miraculous results for the people using it. 

It’s been reported to even reverse ‘bone on bone’!

That’s right, there is an herb used in religious ceremonies that can not only slow down and relieve your arthritis pains, but can also regrow cartilage.  

That means no more bone on bone in your knees and hips! 

Yes - you can regrow cartilage and I have proof! 

Crazy right?

Watch to the end and I’ll also show you the other 2 foods that are making your arthritis far worse. 

And I’ll show you 3 doctor-recommended solutions that are actually causing MORE damage to your joints and over time, causing you even more pain and suffering.

This information is for you if you are suffering from arthritis, or arthritis-like symptoms, or if you have a loved one who is. 
I bet you're frustrated by this debilitating disease. Maybe even a little scared.

I know I was. I suffered from arthritis in my joints for years. 

Luckily I used my medical degree to conduct my own research and find natural, healthy solutions that don’t involve dangerous drugs. And I’m going to show them all to you today.

I bet that you are fed up with the constant pain, aren’t you?
And the pain is the worst in the morning when it's time to get out of bed, isn’t it? 

I remember dreading waking up. 

My back would be completely locked up, my knees wouldn’t bend, and I could barely walk. 

It would take a good 20 minutes before I could walk without a terrible limp.

And my hands ached for hours in the morning. 

And I was worried. Worried it would only get worse. Worried I would have to turn to nasty drugs. Worried I would miss out on life because of my pain.

I was often grumpy and short-tempered because of my pain. I became the cliche, the ‘grumpy old man’, and I was only 64! 

My goodness, I wonder what I would have been like in my 70’s and 80’s if the pain had gotten worse.

If I had survived it of course. There were days when I didn’t know if I could.

But if you’ll stick with me and watch this to the end, I will show how I solved my searing arthritis pain and how this simple and healthy “Jesus Herb” can help solve yours too.

Plus I’ll show you ALL the foods that are making your pain worse! 

You’ll be shocked because many of these foods are marketed as health foods!  

I bet there is at least one of them you started taking because you thought it was good for your joints!

Oh, the sad irony. 

But I must warn you, I don’t know how long this video will be available. 

Places like Youtube and other social media outlets often take down these videos because of their controversial content. 

I’ve seen it happen many times. 
I’m sure you noticed during the pandemic that some information can be censored online. It’s no different with this information. 

This flies in the face of everything Big Pharma and most medical doctors have told us for decades.

They do not like it when people like me tell them they are all wrong! But I’m going to today, right here right now. You’ve been lied to and I’m going to expose it all.
So stay here and watch this while you still can, before the powers that be have this removed. 

You probably think you’ve seen it all when it comes to arthritis remedies. I can guarantee you have not seen what I am about to show you.  

This is completely different. I’m sure you will be shocked, I know I was when I discovered this.

This is the key to your freedom from the cage of pain and suffering.

THIS is what you’ve been looking for all along.

First, I need to tell you a quick story. It’s kind of dramatic but it’s one that everyone suffering from arthritis needs to hear because it can radically reduce your pain and stiffness to the point where you no longer need dangerous and addictive painkillers. 

I know if you’re dealing with arthritis you're desperate for a solution.  
Many of you have ‘bone on bone’ in your joints and hear popping, grinding and many other awful sounds when you move around, right?

You’re not alone. 

In the US alone, 91 MILLION people have arthritis in some form. 91 Million!  

By comparison the second most common disease is heart disease, at only 18 million people.  

And it’s not just seniors either. 
I have treated children as young as 12 who were dealing with this awful disease.

It’s by far the most common disease. And yet, we seem to just accept it as a normal part of aging.

Well, for you - that stops today. 

You see - you don’t have to accept it. 

It’s NOT normal and we should NOT simply accept it.

Do you know that there are entire populations of people around the world that have almost no arthritis because of a handful of foods and herbs they eat on a daily basis. 

And - of course the foods they DON’T eat.

I’ll reveal these foods in just a moment, but it’s important that you realize you don’t have to suffer!

I can’t tell you how many patients feel like they have to live with, and suffer through, their pain. 

Repeat after me - I don’t have to suffer anymore!

Unfortunately there is very little incentive for the government, doctors, and the healthcare industry to tell you about these things.  

They make money by keeping you on expensive medications - not by solving the underlying issues. 

They’d rather keep selling you fish, so they would never teach you how to fish!
I can’t tell you how many patients have come to me desperate to cure their pain. 

They are expecting me to prescribe heavy-duty painkillers, injections, and even joint replacement surgery.  

After all, that’s all they’ve been given by western medical doctors their whole life!

They are shocked to find out that I have a list of healthy, delicious foods and one obscure herb that was present at the birth of Jesus for them to try! 
So if you’re terrified of needles, or literally getting sick from the medications you’ve been forced to take to solve your pain, you’re going to want to watch this video until the very end.

It may just be the most important video you’ve seen in decades. 

You won’t find this information anywhere else, I guarantee it. 

Believe me, I looked high and low for this information. 

And it took me YEARS of research to find it, test it on myself and then finally test it on others like you.  

And luckily, over the last few years the medical research that PROVES beyond all doubt that these remedies work for arthritis, is finally catching up.

So, remember I mentioned that there are three doctor-recommended treatments that are making your arthritis worse? First, a quick lesson in how arthritis works.

There are two main kinds of arthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

OA is known as the “wear and tear” arthritis. This happens as we get older and the healthy joint tissue breaks down.

RA is an autoimmune disease. That means it’s caused by your body attacking itself. Your own inflammation is breaking down your own healthy tissue.

For the most part doctors recommend the same pain solutions for both types of arthritis.

And therein lies the problem.

See, those medications are downright dangerous. 

The most common medications are called NSAIDS, which is a fancy term for Advil and Aleve.

And, as I mentioned before, these medications are very bad for your organs. 
Worst of all they’ve been associated with heart attacks and strokes. 

There has to be a better way, right?

Well, unfortunately the next most prescribed medication is not much better. These fall into a category called DMARDs. That stands for Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs.

These drugs work a lot like a nuclear bomb on your body. Sure the bad stuff is taken out, but so is just about everything else.  
You see, these drugs tend to reduce ALL inflammation.  

And your body needs SOME inflammation. 

It’s how we fight disease and sickness. Inflammation attacks foreign bodies, bacteria and toxins and kills them. 

Some inflammation is good!

Take away ALL your inflammation ability and guess what? 

Yep, you’re going to be sick more.  

And that will make you weak and frail over time as your body constantly fights infection with one armed tied behind its back.  

That’s why these drugs are often not recommended for older folks. 

The risk of infection is just too great.

It might just be another case of the cure being worse than the disease.
Finally, we have another very popular option for pain sufferers: injections. Yep, the needle.

Now I know a lot of people swear by them, but it’s a deal with the devil, believe me.

See, besides staring down the wrong end of a big, nasty needle, there are also all sorts of horrible side effects.
Studies show that people who get regular injections will often experience:

Cartilage damage - which is what you’re trying to prevent if your joints hurt!

Death of bone tissue in the area of the injection! 

Wouldn’t you like to have ‘alive’ bones?

And you can even have nerve damage from these injections, which can also make your pain worse!

And there are many more side effects. 

Seriously, the list of bad stuff that can happen to you with these shots is way longer than the list of benefits.

Of course, I haven’t even mentioned stem cell treatments, joint replacements, and a bunch of other procedures that are so expensive you’ll need a 2nd mortgage to afford them.

And if you can afford them, the recovery time is months and often years. 

No thanks.

Fortunately there is a better way. 

You CAN have pain-free smooth moving joints, AND even generate new cushy cartilage without these horrible treatments.

And you can do it safely and naturally.  

Without addictive medications, without big scary needles, without joint replacement surgery and without selling an arm and a leg to afford them.  

In fact, I bet at least one of these remedies is sitting on your shelf right now.
And another one is sitting in your church right now.

That’s how common they are, but very few people know about them. 

That’s my job though. 

I teach people about these simple, healthy remedies so they can stop taking the drugs, cancel their surgeries and get on living their lives the way they want to.

Isn’t that what we’re here for?

I’ve helped over 120,000 people relieve arthritis pain naturally.  

And now I want to help you too.

Folks come from all over the world, and every state in the US.  

And, by helping so many people, I have developed a formula for helping with all kinds of arthritis pain.  

In many cases, we can even REVERSE arthritis and its symptoms. Can you believe that?

Well, you should. Just ask Janis, she reversed hers in less than 4 months!

[Just read the review itself, starting with “I was having” and end with “thank you for this miracle”]
And Janis did it without dangerous drugs, painful injections or expensive surgery. 

She did it naturally, and I’m about to show you how.

Look, if you ignore your arthritis and just hope it gets better, you’re probably going to end up using a cane like Janis.  

And before long you’ll need a walker, and you know how this ends. 
Quite possibly with a wheelchair ramp up to your front door and your neighbors gossiping about your health.

Or if you’re like some of my patients, you end up moving in with family. 

Sadly you’ll become a complete burden on them.  

If you’re really unlucky you end up crippled in an elder care facility wondering what the heck happened to your life.
Or you could just try a very rare, but affordable, herb that was present at the birth of Christ.  

AND it has at least 7 different studies showing that it reduces and even reverses arthritis!

Which means it's practically guaranteed to - at the very least - reduce your pain to the point where you can walk and exercise normally.  

You can even go back to knitting and woodworking. 

And the next time your grandchildren come over to play, you can kneel down on the floor and play with them without fear that you’ll never get back up.

You can do this. 

You can relieve your arthritis pain and rewind the clock on your painful, twisted body.

I’ll show you how in a moment.

But first, you have to understand the real problem and how to address your arthritis.   

The real cause will shock you because the powers that be are paid to cover it up. They want you in the dark!

They want you to believe that only they hold the answer! How else will they make millions off your pain?  

Listen, this is not what I want for you and I know it's not what you desire for yourself and this is the reason that your struggle with arthritis is not your fault. 
If you really wanna blame someone for your struggles with arthritis, don't blame yourself. 

Blame the big pharmaceutical companies who pedal pills for profit. 

You've been bombarded for almost as long as you've been alive with false misleading claims from these crooks, and they depend on your suffering to make a buck!
All the misinformation out there that the big pharma industry loves to exploit is enough to confuse anybody. It confused me for years. 

Amazing, isn't it? 

The truth is, you should never ever just accept that you must take these dangerous drugs even for a few days. 


Because the side effects are often worse than the disease itself.

Plus the relief these drugs bring is short-lived and diminishes over time.

Now there's another lie, and this one is the biggest of all the arthritis lies. 

The lie is that you have to just accept this disease and live with it. 

Well guess again. This is just wrong, wrong, WRONG. 

Let me tell you what will happen to you if you believe this lie. 

Your pain and agony will increase with no end in sight, and your hope and joy will slowly die out. 
And of course, you may already know that arthritis medications increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and digestive problems.

But here’s the thing: I don’t blame you one bit for falling for this lie. 

The real villain here is certainly not you. It's actually the same crooks who sold you the first lie. 
Now, I like big pharma when they help, and they often do. We need big pharma for some things, and always will.

Yet the sad fact is that most big pharma companies don't know anything about how to reverse your arthritis. 

That's because most of them have never looked for safe natural remedies and healing herbs and very few understand the power and principles behind alternative health remedies. 

Now that you know the problem that your healing has been held back due to lies you've been told, let's dive into the specific tips I promised you today. 

These are the same tips that 120,000 people and counting have successfully achieved a life with less pain and more freedom. It’s the life you desire and deserve.

And the most important of these tips is my famous “Jesus’ Gift” for arthritis reversal. 

I'll go into specifics on that in just a second. 

So by all means, keep reading. 

The good news is the cure is not really complicated. It's actually simple and you only need to focus on three things.

The first is avoiding inflammatory foods. But most people don’t know what foods cause inflammation!

It’s not your fault.  

This stuff just isn’t talked about, and the answers are surprising.
For instance, do you know that things like sugar-free desserts, bottled salad dressing, and pasta sauce can make your arthritis pain worse?

Inflammatory foods are so sneaky! I’ll give you a whole list in a moment.  

These foods are NOT obvious but they are easy to avoid if you know what they are.
Just make this small change to your diet, and use healthy alternatives, and you could be on your way to an arthritis-free life.

Just picture it. You make this small change, and without sacrificing other foods you can enjoy, you're on your way to an arthritis-free life. 

Isn't that an awesome thing to imagine? All from such a simple tip? 

Of course, you might wonder how you can do this, especially if you've tried to control your eating and failed. 

Here's the good news: 90% of the food you’re eating now is probably fine.  

And once you radically reduce the inflammation in your body using the tips I am about to show you, you’ll be able to treat yourself once in a while.  

Plus you’ll be highly motivated to keep going! 

Living pain free has a way of changing how you think about everything, and making small changes to your diet is easy when you can walk, exercise, and have a pain-free body.

If you use this next simple tip, you'll also improve your general health.

All you need to do is make a simple, easy change in your routine.

Not a diet or a crazy exercise, but just one thing that requires just a tiny bit of effort. 

The second tip is to start a very simple and painless stretching program.  

I know what you’re thinking: that sounds hard!  

Nope, actually the whole point is to make it EASY. 

You don’t want to do hard, painful stretching. That could make your problems worse!

No, all this is very gentle, comfortable movements that will loosen up your body. 

See, when you start to experience pain in your joints, your body reacts.  

It tends to protect the areas that are in pain by moving them less. 

Sadly, this is exactly what we don’t want.

That’s how many of us develop a ‘waddle’, where we’re barely moving a knee or hip and have to use exaggerated movements on the other side to make up for it. 
See, you need to move your joints slowly and gently while not they are not loaded. So sitting in a chair and doing stretches is a perfect way to help your stiff muscles. As you loosen those muscles, you get all kinds of benefits for arthritic pain.

First off, you’re going to have better circulation in your joints. This can bring much-needed nutrients to the joint so the healing can begin. 
Much of the pain you feel is likely also due to stiff muscles pulling on your joints in an unnatural way. This is especially true in the knee. Tight hamstrings or muscles along the side of the leg can pull the knee joint out of place and cause severe pain.

So loosen those muscles, and get less pain. I’ll show you a very simple, 10 minute stretching program you can do every morning that will loosen your entire body and soothe both joint and muscle pain in days.

But if you use the third and final tip, you can practically forget about the first two.  

Use this one and many people find they can eat what they want and not worry about stretching.

It's my weird and now famous “Jesus’ gift” remedy. 

I've become well known for discovering weird cures for many modern ailments, and you may already have smelled this one in church. 

And that is just what we have for you today. 

It’s the “Jesus’ gift” remedy for arthritis. 

You can have far less arthritis pain by the time you wake up tomorrow - and maybe even get rid of it forever. 

This process begins using a unique home remedy I've discovered. 

It’s one of my most powerful remedies that has become famous because of my program. 

So why do I call it the “Jesus gift” remedy?

Because it was present at Jesus’ birth, given to him by the Magi. Do you remember what those gifts were?

Of course you do, it was gold, frankincense and myrrh. 

Thankfully gold is not what I’m talking about - can you imagine how expensive that would be!

And I must confess I’m not really sure what myrrh is.  

But, frankincense. 

Now that is something I hadn’t really ever thought about. 
You know that for centuries we’ve used frankincense in religious ceremonies. 
Go into cathedrals around the world and you’ll still smell them.  
For thousands of years Christians have believed that frankincense (which is often just called incense now) held powers to sanctify and purify our souls.

Well, I like to think they are right on the money. 

Not only does it purify our souls, but it can purify our joints!

Frankincense is actually called Boswellia Serata by the plant nerds. 
And now we have scientific proof that Boswellia is super effective for arthritis.  

Scientists believe it is beta-boswellic acid in Boswellia that makes it so effective. 

Let’s call it BBA for short.

And one study showed BBA was so effective at REVERSING arthritis that you could see the difference in a knee x-ray.

Just look at this. 

On the left you can see the knees of patients before they started taking a special BBA extract. 

These knees are pretty typical for seniors.  

You can see there is very little gap between the two bones that make up the knee. That means that the cartilage is down to almost nothing and that these folks are suffering from the dreaded ‘bone on bone’ knees. 

And look at the right side of each knee, there you can see bone spurs. 

Bone spurs occur when cartilage disappears and your body tries to stabilize the joint.  

The bone spurs are supposed to repair the damaged joint.

But, sadly, they cause excruciating pain. The spurs can start to press on nerves, restrict your movement, and rub against other bones. OUCH!

That’s why if we’re going to reverse your arthritis, we need to remove the bone spurs too. 

See painkilling drugs just don't do that. 

They decrease the pain signals in your body, and can reduce some inflammation, but they cannot regrow cartilage and reduce bone spurs. 

So you’re just making the problem worse with painkillers. 

Those bones are still grinding together if you’re just taking painkillers. 

But BBA doesn’t do that. BBA can actually help HEAL the knee!

Look at the x-rays on the right. These images show that after just 4 months, the knees were in far better shape than before.

Yes, just 120 days later, using ONLY a specially formulated BBA extract, people’s knees were better than they had been in decades.

The bone spurs are gone. And the spacing between the bones is better. And that means they were regrowing cartilage!  

Yes, new cushy, cartilage between the joints! Can you imagine what that would feel like?

Plus patients revealed they had reduced their pain by half! And that was just in a few short months. How would you feel if you cut your pain in half, and it just kept going down?

And the mobility had increased by 42%! That means they would walk better, exercise more, and even play things like pickleball and golf again.  

They got their lives back!

It wasn’t just one study though. Sadly you can find one study that will say just about anything these days. I remember reading a study that showed donuts could help you lose weight!

But BBA has no less than 7 studies, and they ALL showed the same thing: 

BBA can not only reduce pain and inflammation but REVERSE your arthritis in a few months.
I know what you’re thinking though: but how?

How does this miracle plant work so well? And why isn’t it on every shelf in every grocery store if it can literally reverse arthritis in a few months??

Well, let’s start with how it works. BBA prevents the production of hormone-like chemicals in your body that act as triggers for joint pain and inflammation.
Remember when I said that most NSAIDS and DMARDS reduce ALL inflammation in the body?

And remember when I said that your body NEEDS some inflammation? Well BBA only reduces the inflammation that triggers joint pain. AND - here’s the best part - it still allows your body to repair the joint!

See, those drugs you’ve been taking slow down not just the pain process but also the healing process. 

Those drugs stop the body from releasing the chemicals that will rebuild knee tissue. 

That’s why I think its so dangerous to take these drugs. 

You’re just making the underlying problem worse, you just can’t feel it!

But with BBA, you can SEE the results. 

Now your body can stop producing joint-destroying inflammation AND still release the compounds needed to rebuild cartilage and healthy joint material.

That’s why these after x-rays look so good. 

Good luck finding an x-ray of someone taking injections with knees that look this good!  

Or even knee replacement surgery. 

Inflammation skyrockets after a joint replacement as your organs attack this foreign body that just appeared. 

That’s why it takes so long to recover!

But with BBA people feel so much less pain and stiffness naturally, without addictive and dangerous drugs. Their joints are healthier! So Jesus’ Gift just keeps on giving!

Now you’re wondering why this isn’t on every shelf in every store. Well, I think you probably know why. Big Pharma intentionally hides these kinds of studies so that people like you and me will never discover the natural remedies that are so much more effective than prescription drugs.  

They control the media with their billion dollar advertising budgets, so you never see news stories on them.  

There are simply no rich advocates that can afford the press coverage and advertising dollars for these cures, so they stay hidden forever!

That is, unless people like you and me get the word out. 

That’s exactly why I released this video and exactly why you need to watch to the end so I can show you how and where to get this special BBA extract and reverse your arthritis in a few months. 

Okay, now that was a lot to cover and you may be feeling overwhelmed or confused and that's okay.

Basically this means you have two choices on where you go from here.

Choice number one, take the information in this presentation and try to go at it alone. 

And who knows, you may see some success if you took really careful notes.

But you can’t just go out and get BBA anywhere. 

Good luck finding it in its pure form. 

And remember the study I showed you before was using a specialized extract of BBA. It’s almost impossible to find on your own.

Or there's choice number two, the smart choice. 

This is the quickest, easiest, and smartest way to get the relief and healing you deserve. 

Let us do the work for you! Why start from scratch and try to reinvent the wheel when we've laid out your exact step-by-step blueprint for reversing your arthritis already.

One that's been tested for years, one that's responsible for over a hundred thousand of our customers living arthritis-free and healed at last without needles, dangerous expensive drugs or joint replacement surgery.

Here's what the vast majority of our clients who have arthritis or arthritis like symptoms choose:

The Arthritis Answer.

The Arthritis Answer is the first all natural arthritis plan ever created that allows you to actually reverse arthritis. 

This radically simple plan will work for you even if you have suffered from arthritis for decades, can barely move, ready for surgery or even if you think you've tried everything. 

Now let me tell you what the Arthritis Answer is not just so you know exactly what you're about to experience. 
This is not some woo-woo foo-foo nonsense. 

This is not based on wives tales, rumors, and what some quack made up in his basement.  

This is not about burning weeds and waving them over your body or having a shaman align your chakras or something. 

You've been lied to long enough.

It's time for a solution that works without the gimmicks. 

And this is definitely not a big pharma approach that can harm your body forever.

No, the Arthritis Answer is the result of years of study analyzing the most successful long-term arthritis remedy case studies ever, as well as looking at the real reasons behind arthritis successes and failures. 

Their success can be your success too. The success patterns we studied and duplicated give you the freedom to live free from needles and pills and finally reclaim the life you absolutely deserve. 

But, before we go any further, it's only fair that I be 100% honest with you. 

If you are looking for that magic pill for arthritis, or if you want just another New Age Arthritis Remedy fad or some other plan that you already know will never, ever work for you, then leave this page now. 

This program is for men and women who are ready to put down the flaky answers, yet still want the most proven way to achieve long-term arthritis remedy success.

In short, there are no easy answers yet. 

We've made this Arthritis Answer plan as easy as it can get. 
So if you want the real answer to reverse your arthritis, then here's what you can expect.

If you want to learn about arthritis and the treatments, both traditional and alternative that are available if you want to radically reduce your pain, this is the plan for you. 

If you want to cut out arthritis-inflaming foods - while still eating your favorite stuff! - this is the plan for you.
If you want to supplement your diet with arthritis-targeting vitamins and herbs, overcome the debilitating effects arthritis could have on your future health and wellness, put an end to pills, pokey needles, and the stigma and humiliation of arthritis, then the Arthritis Answer kit isn't just a system for you, it is the ONLY system for you.
Maxine says:
This really worked for me! My knee was bone on bone with surgery my next option. I started doing this plan. Within two months I could stand on the knee with no pain. Within six months I was walking on the knee. I have used that knee in my daily life for more than a year now. My doctor still does not know what happened. I tell anyone who asks about it to get this plan!
Theresa O says: 
Have avoided knee replacement surgery for five months since I found this! My doctor is amazed!
Tim G. says:
All I can say is, it works! Get it!
Dave J. says:
I thought I was going to need hip replacement surgery as several of my siblings have. This plan has completely stopped my hips and knees from hurting. I am THRILLED!
Robert S. says:
I kinda figured this was a scam product. Being a scientist, I was ready to admit I'd been duped. However, a couple weeks after getting the Arthritis Answer plan, I noticed my knees weren't bothering me nearly as much. I used to wear knee braces all the time and was considering surgery; not any more. It may not work for everyone, but it is working for me. An added benefit is if you forget to do the plan one or two or three days, it doesn't seem to cause a relapse; the pain doesn't return.
Isn’t that amazing?

In fact, as hard as it may seem to believe this is the truth, 93 out of the last 100 people who tried our arthritis remedy experienced a positive healing response.

Let's take a look at what you will receive inside your copy of the Arthritis Answer kit. 

First, you get natural remedies for arthritis, a comprehensive guide to arthritis treatments, both traditional and alternatives that really work. 

Then, I’ll show you how to get BBA delivered to you every month for pennies on the dollar. 

Next, I’ll show you another strange root vegetable that is available everywhere that is so effective it beats ALL prescription drugs at pain relief and can even reverse your arthritis.

I’ll also give you the ‘cartilage regrowth’ diet that will have your joints so happy you’ll want to take up jogging.

After that, I’ll show you the grass-fed beef solution that has many arthritis sufferers canceling their pain injections.

I’ll even give you my super-comforting 15 minute chair stretching program that can relieve pain throughout your body, boost circulation and start the healing process for your joints.

I’ll show you the “devil’s claw” recipe that is so powerful, big pharma is trying to patent it for rheumatoid arthritis!

You’ll also get a complete list of foods that make your arthritis worse - and their delicious alternatives that can make you forget you ever had arthritis!

You’ll even get the sweet dessert recipe that regrows cartilage in no time. You’ve eaten this for decades but probably had no idea it could rebuild your joints! You’ll want it after every meal when I show you how powerful it is.

Plus I’ll send you the condiment solution that many people put on their hot dog which has people all over the world canceling their joint replacement surgery

You’ll also get the secret that professional athletes like Tom Brady use to stop inflammation in its tracks and reverse arthritis in SECONDS.

You’ll also get the cutting-edge “garlic and milk” formula that is being studied at major universities like Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and Harvard.

It's simple, it's easy to follow and you won't even have to ever think about this again.

It's done for you. 

You'll see a plan that is a simple, safe, and effective treatment for your arthritis. 

As you've probably noticed by now, the Arthritis Answer is by far the easiest arthritis remedy to follow as it allows you to treat your painful joints cheaply, safely, and easily giving you back your lifestyle freedom.

The results come fast too.
In fact, many Arthritis Answer users report that they get their arthritis pain reversed in as little as four days and that is pretty amazing considering they are seeing these results and experiencing this transformation while living a normal life. 

Now, you may believe that a system that can do this and all this for you would cost a pretty penny, and in all honesty, it really should. 
After all, this system has helped thousands of folks just like you reverse their arthritis quickly. 

The price of the Arthritis Answer system sold by itself is valued at $97. 

But, you're not just receiving the Arthritis Answer system today. 

Just for reading this presentation, I'd like to give you, free of charge, an incredible bonus to help you reverse ALL your ailments even faster. 

The Bible of Alternative Medicine, valued at $49 is a game changer for your health. 

This book, written by my friend Dr. Ralph La Guardia, is my go-to reference for ANY natural health cure.

Got shingles? There’s a solution.

Heart disease?

Respiratory infection?


Vaccine injury?
Or just want to live a pain-free, active life for longer?

This is the book for you.

Over 800 pages of incredible, natural and effective health solutions will be at your fingertips. 

It’s easy to search too. 

Just look up your problem and get a cure in less than 1 minute. 

Everyone who orders The Arthritis Answer will get a copy of the Bible of Alternative Medicine.

Like I said, it’s normally $49, and worth every penny.

Now you can see why the Arthritis Answer is valued at $97 even without the bonus. 

This is a steal, and if you bought the bonus by itself, your investment today would be almost $50. 

However, just for reading this presentation today, I have a much better deal for you. 

Just keep reading as it won't last much longer. 

Of course, you could choose to just continue doing what you’re doing now and pay 10, 20, and even 100 times as much for expensive injections and drugs. 

Heck you could spend 1000 times more if you’re considering joint replacement surgery to finally get some relief. 

How much would you pay to make your ‘bone on bone’ turn into ‘bone on cushy cartilage’?

And let's not even talk about deadly heart problems, strokes, organ failure and other complications that will eventually happen if you just keep doing what you're doing now. 

You deserve better!

So let's make this a really easy decision. Okay? 

I feel you deserve to know why I'm about to offer you such a massive discount today. 

So let me share my goal with you. 

It's not just a goal.

It's a cause that I'm inviting you to join along with thousands of other folks just like you who are ready to reinvent their health, reinvigorate their life, and replace dangerous drugs with healthy, safe, alternative kitchen cabinet cures and above all to share that new health with the world. 

A few years ago, we here at Prosper Wellness set an ambitious goal.

We dedicated our company to helping hundreds of thousands of men and women heal their bodies without dangerous and expensive drugs.

And if you remember, I showed you earlier the 120,000 people who we've helped that we feel are part of our family here at Prosper Wellness.

And since then we've helped over a hundred thousand people do more than just get healed.

We thought that was a great start because that's thousands upon thousands healed, saved and delivered from suffering. 

Can you imagine it? 

How much joy that would create, how many happier kids that would make? 

How many other people would be inspired by this cause? 

The bottom line is that we decided that we absolutely need to let as many folks as possible join in this cause a cause that we call our mission the good news. 

That means a much lower price for you because we want you to join the cause and we don't want financial concerns to stop anybody from getting the relief they deserve. 

So let's add your healing to the cause starting right now.

That means that today you will not be paying the retail value of the Arthritis Answer and the bonus - not even close. 

Your investment today will not be $146, which is the total value of all the components added together. 

Not even half of that, and not even $67. 

Your total investment today, for the Arthritis Answer system AND The Bible of Alternative Medicine is just one payment of $19.97

Click the button below to start your order!

But listen, don't even decide right now. Take advantage of our unconditional LIFETIME guarantee. 

Just try the Arthritis Answer system for as long as you like.

If you don't reverse your arthritis as you expect, or if you don't see immediate relief, or even if you just don't like the way the books are laid out, or you just change your mind… It’s fine.
You can have your money back in 30 seconds or 30 years. it's all the same to us.

See, we have a reputation to protect. And that reputation is to HELP PEOPLE, no matter what.

And I truly believe this system will work for you because it’s worked for thousands of others. 

If I didn’t believe that, I would probably have a 30-day money back deadline like those other companies. 

But I’m a believer just like those other 120,000 folks are now, and I know you will be too.

Look below this video right now.

Click on the orange button that says "Add to Cart.” Then claim your discounted price. 

Now your total value is over $146. 

Yet today, if you act now, it's all yours for just one payment of $19.97. 

Remember, it's not just a great bargain you're getting today. 

You'll be joining one of the biggest arthritis remedy movements in history. 

You'll be part of an ever-growing, lifestyle-friendly, arthritis remedy community. 

Click on the orange button that says “Add to Cart” to claim your discounted price. 

Now you'll be granted immediate access to the Arthritis Answer system and the Bible of Alternative Medicine bonus. 

Click the button below to start your order!

It's all digital and downloadable.
No need to wait for anything in the mail. 

Remember, you've been struggling with your arthritis for far too long, and the pain of continuing your inaction will only lead to more despair, more frustration and continued decline in your life.

What if you have to use a cane for the rest of your life? Or a walker? Or, what if, God forbid, you were unable to walk anymore due to your pain?

This scenario will change the moment you begin applying the quick start principles in the Arthritis Answer system. 
Picture the moment you finally have the answer you've been looking for, and begin the path to the healthiest you.

You feel alive, full of hope and optimism. 

You see the disease reversed today and every day thereafter. And you experience the energy, vitality, and life-changing, life-renewing results you deserve at long last. 
Yes, it's true. 

Your arthritis suffering and shame has largely been no fault of your own. 

But now you know the truth that you've been lied to by all the expensive drug company solutions and their false promises.

That all changes today.

Because you know the truth now, today marks the day to take responsibility, to take the action necessary, to put an end to the lies and to begin a new on a true lifestyle-friendly arthritis remedy plan that works. 

And unlike those phony solutions, this one is guaranteed to work. 

Try it for as long as you like and see the results you desire or you pay absolutely nothing. 
Plus you're always minutes away from an answer from our friendly support staff. 

You've heard from everyday men and women. Folks just like you, who have seen incredible success with the Arthritis Answer system. 

Click on that orange button below that says “Add to Cart” to claim your discounted price. 
You'll be granted immediate access to everything, the Arthritis Answer system and the Bible of Alternative Medicine bonus.

Upon ordering, flip to the first page to begin your healing process. 

Remember, you'll be receiving the complete new edition of Arthritis Answer. 

This is your easy to follow formula for a lifestyle-friendly arthritis remedy system that incorporates all the healing cures every week. 

You'll also be getting the Bible of Alternative Medicine so you can begin the healing throughout your body! 

You'll also get the stretching program, eating program, and all the super effective herbs and plants that will lead you to a pain-free life.

Do not put this off one second longer. Here's why.

First, as you recall, we lowered the price by over 80%, so you can just jump in right now. Eventually though, we're going to raise that price back up to where it really deserves to be. 

So act now before that happens, and let's not forget that, unless you take action today, you may never take action. 

You may do what some people do and put it off just a few more days, which will turn into a few more months than a few more years. 

So, let's make sure you get what you really want and do the only smart thing you can do.

Take advantage of this limited time offer while you still can, and wisely get on the right path to a sane, simple, and friendly journey to reversing your arthritis today. 

Click the Add to Cart orange rectangular button below and let's get you started. 

Remember what you're getting, The Arthritis Answer system and the Bible of Alternative Medicine book, the complete new edition.  

Both of these are massive all-in-one references. 

Click the "Add to Cart” orange rectangular button below and let's get you started now.

Okay, my friend, congratulations for making it this far. 

I know a lot of people who have a lot of health knowledge, but they don't take action and thus fail to experience the benefits or positive results. 

But it looks like you are someone who wants to take action and live without arthritis bringing you down anymore. 

I guarantee the Arthritis Answer is going to work for you, or I'll give you a hundred percent of your money back and you can decide any time.

Click the button below to start your order!

So before you go, I wanted to share those other two arthritis foods that you need to know about.

The first is grilled and smoked meats. 

Now, if you’re like me you just LOVE barbecue, but unfortunately many of these foods have been shown to raise inflammation levels in people with arthritis.  

Combine it with the 3rd arthritis food - foods heavy in sugar - and you’ve got a combination that will send your joints into the red zone on the pain meter. 

Sadly, we often combine barbecued foods with things like barbecue sauce and desserts - which are both loaded with sugar.
Fortunately, my Arthritis Answer plan can allow you to still enjoy your barbecued meats, smoked meats and those tasty desserts, and still reverse your diabetes.  

I can’t imagine life without my brisket and pecan pie, and now I don’t have to!

You don’t have to either.
In just a few moments, you'll join hundreds of thousands of others who have read the Arthritis Answer system and see how you can reverse your arthritis in a few weeks. 

You will feel confident as you read the Arthritis Answer, to know that you have everything you need to make healthy choices when you choose supplements, go to the grocery store or out to your favorite restaurants. 

And you'll be pleasantly surprised to discover the tasty foods you can eat that are actually healthy for you and good for your joints. 

Now on the next page, I have some more stories from clients who have reversed their arthritis in a matter of weeks. 

Don’t wait, now is the time to get your life and your body back. We believe in you. You can do this.

Dr. Greg  Smith

Click the button below to start your order!


Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDS): https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/22683-dmards

A pilot, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of a novel Boswellia serrata extract in the management of osteoarthritis of the knee: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6681146/

Bone Spurs (Osteophytes): https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/10395-bone-spurs-osteophytes

Effectiveness of Boswellia and Boswellia extract for osteoarthritis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7368679/

© Copyrights 2023  - All Rights Reserved.
Prosper Wellness is a small, family-owned company based in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. 
 You can find us at Legendary Ventures 1990 Depew Street #140690 Edgewater, CO 80214.